Visit Akagera National Park

On your self drive Rwanda safaris, another park that you will definitely need to check out is Akagera national park. Situated in North eastern part of Rwanda, this park is dominated by the labyrinth of swamps and lakes (Lake Ihema, Lake Mihindi, Lake Gishanju, Lake Rwanyakizinga, and Lake Shakani) that follow the meandering course of Akagera River, the most remote source of the Nile.

Akagera National Park covers an area of approximately 900 square kilometers with an altitude of 1250-1825 metres above sea level. This was gazetted in 1997 and named after Akagera river. The area is largely covered by African savanna grassland, papyrus swamps along the river.

The park’s history isn’t an easy one. Following the 1994 Rwanda genocide, refugees who were returning into the country did not have where to settle and a number of them settled within the boundaries of the park which was a great threat to the existing wildlife animals that were in the park at the time.

The government itself couldn’t chance people out of the park as these didn’t have anywhere to go. The citizens had occupied much of the park’s land and also started rearing domestic animals while killing the already existing wild animals. In the end, the government had to intervene and make sure they divide the park to make sure humans exist and boundaries where established.

Akagera National Park

Today, people living within the boundaries of the park were introduced to income generating activities so that they exist and also appreciate the importance of nature and conservation. Wildlife animals that had got extinct in the park are now being reintroduced which makes Akagera one of the best places you need to visit on your safari in Rwanda. There high chances of spotting the big five animals (lions, leopards, buffaloes, elephants and rhinos) among other species.

This was made possible through a partnership the Rwandan government entered with other entities like the Africa parks Network, Howard Buffet Foundation among others.

Other species that you will spot on your game driving experience in the park include zebra, giraffe, chimpanzees, spotted hyena, leopard, lion, hippos, crocodiles, and many more. Akagera is also home to over 500 bird species, which include water birds and those that live in open savannah. These include 44 species of raptor, Balaeniceps rex and many Palearctic migrants, amongst which Falco naumanni, Gallinago media and Glareola nordmanni have been recorded.

Akagera National Park also represents the northern limit of distribution of a number of Zambezian biome species, including Lanius souzae, Myrmecocichla arnotti and Cisticola angusticauda.

What to Do in Akagera National Park

Gorilla Trekking in Volcanoes National Park

Game drive

One of the best ways you can explore Akagera National park is by using a car and this will take you to a number of places within the park with ease giving you an up close experience with some of the wildlife species that live in the park.


Are you a bird enthusiast, Akagera National Park is among the best places in the world where you where you will be able to see a number of savannah birds, water birds and more as they roam freely. This is home to over 490 species and you will spot birds such as the storks, cormorant etc.
Kirisibi Mountain Hiking Experience

Boat Cruise

Another exciting activity that you will be able to do while within Akagera National Park is a boat cruise that is done on Lake Ihema. Your boat cruise will be led by a qualified guide who will brief you and help you identify some of the wildlife species that can be seen on the lake.

Hiking and nature walks

this does present you an opportunity to spot the various wildlife species plus incredible scenic views of the rolling hills of the surrounding, stunning features plus much more.
Diani Fossey Grave

Sport fishing

Another exciting activity you can do while in Akagera is sport fishing. This is done on Lake Shakani and some of the fish species you are likely to catch include tilapia and catfish

Best time to visit Akagera National Park

This park can be visited anytime of the year however, for the best memorable experience you will need to visit during the dry season of the year. This does take place between the months of June to September and December to February.

During this time, the park receives little or no rainfall which makes the routes within the park less slippery and dry. It’s also during this time that the savanahh grassland is short making it easier to spot wildlife species as they roam freely in the park.

You can as well visit Akagera National Park during the wet season of the year. This does take place during the months of March to May and October to December. During this time, Rwanda receives a lot of rainfall which may hinder with your itinerary. The rains make the roads within the park slippery but with the right 4×4 car you will be able to traverse through these roads with ease.

The beauty about car hire in the wet season is that you will have amazing discounts to enjoy which isn’t the same case with car hire during the peak season of the year when the demand is a lot.

Regardless of the time you choose to visit Akagera National Park, we assure you of a memorable experience while within her boundaries.

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